謎の民 Mysterious Figures
(ミルディン大橋 夜)
Great Bridge of Myrddin | Evening
リシテア: 先生、クロード、ちょっといいですか?
Lysithea: Professor? Claude? May I have a moment of your time?
クロード: リシテアか。こんな時間にどうした、眠れないのか?
Claude: Lysithea, what are you doing up this late? Trouble sleeping?
Choice 1: 無理もない That's understandable.
Choice 2: そういう夜もある We all have nights like that.
クロード: ああ、あんな惨い戦いのあとだ。誰だって神経が昂っちまうよ。
Claude: Anyone would be shaken after such a brutal battle.
If you're having trouble sleeping, you should drink some warm milk. That's a thing, right?
リシテア: もうっ、わたしが少し遅くまで起きてると、すぐそうやって子供扱い……
Lysithea: Must you treat me like a child, simply because I am awake a bit later than usual?
Actually, I can hardly muster any indignation right now. I wanted to tell you that I noticed something odd during that battle.
クロード: 気になること?
Claude: What was it?
リシテア: 帝国軍の中に、様子のおかしい魔道士がいたのは、気づきました?
Lysithea: There were some strange mages among the ranks of the Imperial army. Did you notice them?
Choice 1: 仮面の…… The ones wearing masks?
Choice 2: 黒装束の…… The ones dressed in black?
リシテア: そう、そいつらです。わたし、あの装束に見覚えがあるんです。
Lysithea: That's right. I have seen people dressed just like that before.
It was a long time ago...
House Ordelia was involved in a rebellion that took place within the Empire 18 years ago.
After it was quelled, all of the key officials were caught and put to death.
The Empire sent replacements, who they used to take control of House Ordelia.
Among the people sent by the Empire were mages dressed in black, just like those we saw in battle.
クロード: 帝国の魔道士ってんなら、同じ装束でも特に不思議はないだろう。
Claude: If they're Imperial mages, it would make sense that they would wear the same clothing, right?
リシテア: ええ。でも、あの装束を着た魔道士は……アドラステア帝国の人間じゃないと思う。
Lysithea: Yes, but the mages from back then and today... I do not believe they are from the Adrestian Empire.
Choice 1: 王国の魔道士? Are they Kingdom mages?
Choice 2: 同盟の魔道士? Are they Alliance mages?
リシテア: そうではなくて、フォドラとはまったく違う出身の者たち……という印象でした。
Lysithea: No. I got the impression that they were from somewhere else. Somewhere completely separate from Fódlan.
There's more. Those mages imprisoned the children from my house, and performed horrible rituals on them. Blood experiments.
クロード: まさか、お前も……。
Claude: Lysithea... You can't mean... even you?
リシテア: ……はい。わたし以外の者は、みんな「失敗」して死んでしまったようです。
Lysithea: Yes. All of the others were deemed failures. They all died.
And even I...
It doesn't matter. The point is, that those monsters possess dreadful knowledge and power.
I just thought you should know the sort of people who have allied with the Empire.
クロード: 血の実験……思い当たることはあるよな?
Claude: Blood experiments... Does that remind you of anything, Teach?
Choice 1: フレンの…… The incident with Flayn...
クロード: ああ、5年前、フレンをさらって血を抜いた連中がいた。
Claude: Exactly. There was that secret group who abducted Flayn and extracted her blood five years ago.
Choice 2: 炎帝の…… That incident with the Flame Emperor...
クロード: ああ、炎帝と一緒にフレンをさらって血を抜いた連中がいた。
クロード: 関わっていたのはトマシュやモニカ……や、本当の名はソロンとクロニエだったか。
Claude: The people involved back then were Tomas and Monica... Well, I suppose their true names were Solon and Kronya.
So that eerie group has been slithering behind the scenes in the Empire for a while now...
Lysithea... Thank you for sharing all of that with us. One day we will uncover the truth of who those people really are